Haozhe (Tony) Chen

Undergraduate Student,
Department of Computer Science,
Columbia University


Research: I am interested in building interpretable, efficient, human-interaction-friendly AI models. My current research revolves around interpretable foundation models, differentiable simulation, emotional speech synthesis. At Columbia, I have the fortunate opportunities to work with Chengzhi Mao, Carl Vondrick, Hongseok Namkoong, and Julia Hirschberg.

Previously: I was a quantitative research intern at Voloridge, a quantitative hedge fund in Florida. I also enjoyed Kaggle competitions for a while.


May 08, 2024 Our paper 🤳SelfIE: Self-Interpretation of Large Language Model Embeddings is accepted by ICML 2024!
Jan 16, 2024 Our paper INViTE: INterpret and Control Vision Transformer with Text Explanations is accepted by ICLR 2024!


  1. detect_empathy.png
    Detecting Empathy in Speech
    Run Chen ,  Haozhe Chen ,  Anushka Kulkarni ,  Eleanor Lin ,  Linda Pang ,  Divya Tadimeti ,  and  Julia Hirschberg
    INTERSPEECH 2024, Jun 2024
  2. textexplain.gif
    INViTE: INterpret and Control Vision Transformer with Text Explanations
    Haozhe ChenJunfeng YangCarl Vondrick ,  and  Chengzhi Mao
    In the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024., Jan 2024
  3. selfie-teaser.svg
    🤳SelfIE: Self-Interpretation of Large Language Model Embeddings
    Haozhe ChenCarl Vondrick ,  and  Chengzhi Mao
    In the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024., Mar 2024